Saturday, December 31, 2011

plein air paintings

I've really been enjoying doing some quick outdoor paintings these last few days. It's slow in coming, but I think I am making progress. This first one I did Thur morning  from the front seat of my truck in a parking lot at "Red Rocks". I think I got lucky with this one as it turned out pretty good.

This one is also from red rocks. It didn't turn out quite as well. I think I got the hills in the back ground too dark.

This is the first one done on my new Julian easel. It is a very convenient easel. I walked out in to a secluded   field I know and painted this. I really don't care for how this turned out, but I was able to use the colors in the next painting that was done from a photo.
I like how this turned out. Using the colors from my previous study made this much better than if I had just copied the photo
I painted this earlier this afternoon. The light was changing so quickly I had to work very fast. I think this took about an hour and a half to paint. I may try painting it again from a photo I took while there, but using the colors I produced in this study. 

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