Saturday, March 30, 2013

In Mom's Memory

My Mom passed away a week ago last Thur. and I have been debating weather or not to mention her in my blog. Mom was also an avid artist and had a great deal to do with me becoming an artist, so I figured it would be good to remember her here. She liked to draw, paint, quilt, as well as other creative things. When we were kids fidgeting in church, she would draw pictures for us to keep us entertained and most importantly, quite during the service.  I remember being mesmerised watching figures appear on paper off the tip of her pencil. She thought she was just keeping us kids quite during Dad's sermon, but I believe it was the start of the lasting impact she had on my artistic life. She as well as Dad have always been so encouraging when it came to my art. Thank you Mom, Your art continues through me.

We are flying back to Ohio this morning, So this weeks post is early. Here are this weeks paintings and one drawing. No time for discriptions. So, until next week...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Post

I am posting today, because we are going skiing tomorrow and I am sure I won't have time to paint.
This is from one of my desert photographs. I did a lot of work on the photo before I started to paint. It really wasn't very good. In Photo shop I made the background much lighter, less contrast and bluer. I did the same to the middle ground but less so. The foreground I more or less left alone.
I think it turned out pretty good.

 This is a portrait of my friend Jon
 I painted this Weds. night. I was a little liberal with the medium when I began. It started to run as you can see on the right side. I thought it was cool looking, so I left it.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

one painting to show

I came down with a bad cold last week, so my painting has really suffered. The only work I got done was to finish this painting I showed you last week. These are my friends Jon and Neil in our favorite place, the Needles district in Canyon Lands Utah. I hope to have more to show next week, but first I have to get over this cold.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

painting from photos

We"ll start with the Weds. night figure since I think it is my best painting of the week. Not much to say, I just like the way it turned out.

I had every intention of painting outside today, but got spooked by a windy forcast, so I stayed home and started this painting. These are my friends Jon and Neil on one of our trips to the Needles in Utah.

I have been thinking of the desert a lot lately, so I have been painting from photos taken while on outings there. I am really trying to get the proper colors and values so that they look like they were painted pleinair.