Sunday, July 8, 2012

pleinairs in July

I'm trying something new, that is working out pretty good for me. I am doing my under painting in one color concentrating on value. When I'm happy with it I add color. I did this last night from a photo. It is a view from in front of our house. This is done with burnt umber and paint thinner.

When I start adding color I am better
 able to see if it is the right value right away, because the rest of the values are already there and I can compare them to this new color's value immediately. I painted this this after noon near the South Boulder Rec. center.

This one I painted this morning from the same place in South Boulder. I was under this nice big gazebo with my friend Sharon. We didn't have to worry about rain or glaring sun. This after noon I had a few people stop and want to see my painting and talk a little. I am getting better with this. I figure if I want people to see my work I need to be where people can see me. Most of them could give a flying #*?%. But the ones that do are very nice and complimentary.

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